If you're like me, bugs make you a little squeamish...but with this cute app for your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, bugs are adorable and...creative.
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The Bug Builder app by Tickle Tap Apps is full of bright colors, charming music, and fun sound effects. It is a very simple concept; in fact when I purchased the app, I was thinking that you could choose what kind of eyes the bug would have, antenna, legs, etc., and was a little disappointed at just how simple it really was.
I later showed the app to my two year old daughter however, and realized that this simplicity is perfect for toddlers (which we all know have shorter attention spans). Toddlers love creating things, but don't want to be patient and go through a lot of steps and details to get to their final product. Duh mom! The app developers recommend this app for children ages 3-5, though I'd say some two year olds can grasp this app also.

What's also great is that there are many different bug features the app adds onto your bug, so you're sure to have a different-looking bug each time!
The app is $1.99.
Get the app now
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