For iPhone and iPod Touch
I wish I knew about the Grow With Me app when I gave birth to my daughter!

You go to the doctor often when you have a newborn baby, and I know it was always challenging for me to remember how many diapers she went through a day, figuring out how many ounces she gets on average, etc. This is great to pull out on doctor visits and look back to see if your baby is developing healthy patterns. Heck, you can even be specific with recording what kind of bowl movement your baby had. You also are able to compare your child's growth stats to the national average on this app.
If you are reading this and thinking, that sounds great but my kids aren't newborns anymore, well this app can be helpful to you too. The Grow With Me app "grows" with your child in keeping track of medical records and immunizations, growth, illness, etc.
Check it out for yourself. Get the app here. Oh, did I mention, IT'S FREE.

Updated 3.2.11
ReplyDeleteDiaper section now allows for manual time input for more customization.
Diaper section now allows you to delete diaper logs.