Your husband utters those three words that you dread to hear every evening at 5 o’clock…. “what’s for dinner?” Well, this app can fix the mental “cooker’s block” that may come over you when it’s time to fix something to feed your clan.

Its main feature is the Spinner. The top row rotates at your fingertips, till you select the type of dish you are looking to make; i.e. main dish, breakfast, appetizer, dessert, etc.
The second row does the same, but in this row you select what main ingredient you have on hand, i.e. beef, pork, vegetable, cheese, fruit, etc.
Lastly, the third row gives you different timing options you have available to make your meal, i.e. 20 minutes, 45 minutes, slow cooker, etc.
Then the magic happens, it instantly filters its many recipes to the ones that meet your selected criteria on the spinner. You search through recipes till you find the one that tickles your fancy and your tongue.
You can also save recipes to your favorites to access again, or be spontaneous and cook up whatever has as the featured recipes. In addition, you can search by keywords, like finding recipes on how to make key lime pie for example.
This app has great graphics and many of the recipes have images, which I especially like because it helps in determining how appetizing it will look.
So grab a spatula and an apron, oh, and don’t forget your cell phone or iPad, and get cooking!
This app gets an A in my cookbook. Now, if only it cooked and did the dishes, then I’d give it an A+. It makes me muchappier.
if you know more information about sinteriordesign then pelease cleak the link word.